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HFP takes the natural world seriously, and often works with groups and organisations with climate change at the centre of their thinking: RSPB; Cumbria Wildlife Trust; National Landscape Centre, and National Parks. We work in urban and rural settings.

Made for Natural England, working with Laal Collective.  We documented work with three schools to understand the marine life and heritage of the newly designated

Highly Protected Marine Area (HPMA) in Allonby Bay, in West Cumbria.  Stories,  giant puppets and a parade - basking sharks, honeycomb worms, and herring, the symbol on Allonby's flag noting the town's fishing history.

FilmAble made this film about climate change.  They chose the name months before the Italian town of Seregno suffered ice-laden floods - in July 2023  (first five seconds are soundtrack only)

 (Northumberland County Council Climate Fund)

HFP worked 3 years documenting Cumbria Wildlife Trust's Get Cumbria Buzzing project.  More than half of Cumbria and the UK's bee, butterfly and moth species have declined in the past 50 years.  This is a crisis for habitats, food production and the wider environment.  It is also a further indicator of climate change.  This is a short promo.

HFP made this campaigning film for RSPB about habitat reduction and persecution of hen harriers.  Conflict with the grouse shooting community made it important to record all sides of the argument for this film.  Conservationists, gamekeepers and bird lovers all present their views.

"These are our rainforests."  Peatlands are the largest natural terrestrial carbon store. They store more carbon than all other vegetation types in the world combined (IUCN).

Made for Northumberland National Parks several years ago, this film shows us where one of our local efforts to combat climate change should be focused.

A promo for a major exhibition at Tullie House,  Driggsby a Whale's Tale this film animates large puppets made as part of a multi-school project about a young fin whale washed up in Cumbria in 2014.  The whale died because of plastic waste in its stomach.  The project's focus was on human impact on the natural world.

5 schools performed a huge piece of processional theatre on Eycott Hill Nature Reserve (Cumbria Wildlife Trust)  Children learnt about the natural history, geology and myths of this piece of land.  We filmed across the 216 hectares of this wonderful  site (for Prism Arts)

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 Inspiring People and Communities Through Film and Animation for 23 years
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